What is Cavalry SPV I LLC?

Cavalry SPV I LLC is a debt buyer or purchaser of charged-off debt. Cavalry SPV I may show up on your credit report or may have served you with a collection lawsuit.

You are not alone. Each year, it files hundreds of debt collection lawsuits against consumers, using local Atlanta collection attorneys, such as Cooling & Winter, LLC.

What Should I Do if Cavalry Portfolio sues me?


Well, think about what will happen if you fight the Calvary lawsuit without an attorney.

The vast majority of these collection lawsuits end up with a judgment against the consumer. This is mostly because the consumer did not defend the lawsuit, and Calvary SPV I obtained either a default judgment or a summary judgment.

If you hire an experienced debt defense attorney, this junk debt buyer will usually wind up working out the lawsuit in one of three ways: 1) the consumer wins; 2) Calvary settles for less than the amount demanded in the complaint; 3)  Cavalry Portfolio voluntarily dismisses its lawsuit against you.

Tag Archive for: Cavalry SPV I

Cavalry SPV I, LLC

Cavalry SPV I LLC- Debt Buyer Lawsuit